Who We Are

TRANSLASIA GROUP of COMPANIES is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong and Malaysia.
Our group assists businesses to navigate effortlessly across East Asia and Southeast Asia, providing language and cultural expertise.
Our Purpose

TRANSLASIA GROUP of COMPANIES helps multinational companies and regional firms to expand and communicate their businesses through innovative services and solutions powered by TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE.
What We Do

In Asia, the best business negotiations and collaborations happen when both parties are of one mind and language.
We help businesses achieve this by BUILDING A BRIDGE to close the LANGUAGE and CULTURAL GAPS.
The Brand Ethos
The ASIAN ORIOLE is a ubiquitous bird that prospers and thrives throughout Asia. It is an extremely adaptable creature known for its song and stunning swooping flight patterns. TRANSLASIA salutes this noble bird, as it flourishes in various environments. We adopt the spirit of this winged beauty – to be free and knows no bounds.
We assist businesses and ENABLE them to TAKE FLIGHT and grow their markets across new frontiers in Asia.

TRANSLASIA aspires to be the key business partner to expanding companies that desire to navigate within and communicate with other businesses across Asia.
TRANSLASIA enables businesses to expand across Asia effectively through services powered by technology and people, helping them overcome business complexities brought on by culture and language barriers.