+65 6681 6717
230 Victoria Street, #15-01/08, Bugis Junction, Singapore 188024


Who We Are

TRANSLASIA GROUP of COMPANIES is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Hong Kong and Malaysia

Our group assists businesses to navigate effortlessly across East Asia and Southeast Asia, providing language and cultural expertise.

Our Purpose

TRANSLASIA GROUP of COMPANIES helps multinational companies and regional firms to expand and communicate their businesses through innovative services and solutions powered by TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE.

What We Do

In Asia, the best business negotiations and collaborations happen when both parties are of one mind and language.

We help businesses achieve this by BUILDING A BRIDGE to close the LANGUAGE and CULTURAL GAPS.

The Brand Ethos

The ASIAN ORIOLE is a ubiquitous bird that prospers and thrives throughout Asia. It is an extremely adaptable creature known for its song and stunning swooping flight patterns. TRANSLASIA salutes this noble bird, as it flourishes in various environmentsWe adopt the spirit of this winged beauty – to be free and knows no bounds.

We assist businesses and ENABLE them to TAKE FLIGHT and grow their markets across new frontiers in Asia.


TRANSLASIA aspires to be the key business partner to expanding companies that desire to navigate within and communicate with other businesses across Asia.


TRANSLASIA enables businesses to expand across Asia effectively through services powered by technology and people, helping them overcome business complexities brought on by culture and language barriers.

Core Values


In life and in business, there will always be challenges to hurdle. In order to keep one’s goals within reach, clarity of vision is required. This is the first step. Strength comes when the focus is steady, and paths straighten when the goals are clear.


As the business relationships grow from having a common vision, being honest in the process, and sharing in the responsibility of the work at hand, trust is a requirement in building something that will last. Trustworthiness is the tie that binds progressive business partners and the means by which the relationships are fortified.


When partnering in any endeavour, having clear common goals sets a winning trend. Transparency, as exemplified by openness regarding strengths and challenges, is the cornerstone in any successful venture. Where there is honesty between business partners, it is easier to move forward in progress.


When goals are set and tasks are known, and there is surety and focus in vision, it is much easier to proceed with conviction. Even as unexpected or unforeseen obstacles arise, decisions can be made and footsteps can be certain. it is possible to forge ahead and accomplish what needs to be done when the conviction is strong.


Strong foundations laid through clarity of purpose and direction as well as honesty in the tasks at hand results in better collaboration between partners. Whether the tasks are predominantly logistic in nature or largely creative in essence, both parties being equally present in collaboration leads to more ground covered and greater heights achieved.